Does my Yoto player need to be online to play content?Updated 4 months ago
Yes, and no.
To play streamed content (like radio and podcasts) you will need your Yoto player to be online.
And the first time you play any card it will be streaming the content, so you will need to be online for that too.
But once a card has downloaded to your Yoto player, you won't need to be online to play that card after that.
Note - cards automatically download to your Yoto player after you play them, so it's a good idea to keep your Player switched on and idle for a bit after you've taken the cards out.
Quick guide
Out of the box
You will need to connect your Yoto player when you first get it to set it up.
The first time you play a card, your Yoto player will need to be online, as it will stream the content from the Cloud.
Cards that have downloaded to your Yoto player
Once you have played a card, it will automatically download to your Yoto player’s on-board memory. When it has done this, you can then play that card without needing your Yoto player to be online.
Note - this only works for content that can be downloaded. Cards that are linked to radio stations or podcasts will not work if your player is offline, as they need to stream content from the Cloud.
Playing content from the app
If your phone is connected to the internet (Wi-Fi or mobile data), you will be able to play any of the content in your Library on your phone. This includes radio, podcasts and cards that haven’t downloaded to your Yoto player yet.
If you want to play content on your Yoto player via the app, both your phone and your Player will need to be online.
If you have more than one Yoto player in your Family Account
All cards in your library will download to your players. If the size of your library is less than the size of the player storage, all cards will be downloaded. If the size of your library is larger than the storage capacity, lesser played cards will be replaced by the most popular cards for each player.
Content will need to have downloaded to your Yoto player’s on-board memory before you will be able to play them (on your player) without being online.
Downloaded content status
You can see if any cards still need to download by going to the Download Status tab, found in the Yoto App, from the Players > Settings section, of the player in question.